Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Get the Most Effective Relationship Advice in the Right Place and Time

Getting relationship advice is not just limited to people who are in a rocky relationship. It could also apply to those who are still dating or are still looking for a partner. There are so many ways that you can get relationship advice, and from so many people. But did you take the time to evaluate if the pieces of advice that you are getting are realistic? Or are those words of advice too bias and self-serving? Where you can get relationship advice and how would you evaluate the advice that matters.

Does the advice cater to all possibilities?
The best people to talk to if you want genuine love advice would be life partners. These are the people who have been together for a very long time, have gone through and surpassed trials and yet managed to hold on to each other. These are the people who make good examples that you can follow. It is also best to seek the opinion of the male and female in the relationship to cover all the bases of your future decision.

Was the advice too personal for the giver?
Where you can get relationship advice that is sound? Ask from someone who does not give advice out of emotions. Notice that when you seek help from a close friend, it becomes easy for him or her to share what you feel. As a result, the advice you get would almost be the same decision as you reached when you were still at the height of an emotion.
To talk to a stranger in person may seem weird but sometimes dangerous too. You cannot just come up to a person and ask for sound pieces of advice. So if doing that online would be more comfortable for you then go ahead and do it.

Are there hidden motives?
The best thing that a person could do for you is to listen to you and to give you good pieces of advice. The advice should just be given as a suggestion and should never be enforced. If the advice is given as if it is the only solution to your problem, then it is likely that the other person has a motive. The motive could either be material or emotional.

Where you can get relationship advice that is free from hidden motives? That is quite difficult to answer because almost everyone has their hidden motives. For instance, your parents might be against your partner and they will surely advice you against him. Your friend may be secretly in love with your girlfriend so he will tell you to move on. While a single aunt may want you to live like her so she will go against your decision to start dating.

These questions should help know where to get relationship advice. But given that you followed all these, you must still apply common sense in filtering the right suggestions. Know that even if other people may have helped you reach the decision on what to do, the result will still shape your love life. So be careful.

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