Monday, January 28, 2013

3 Communication Strategies in a Relationship that Work Wonders

There is no perfect relationship because no one has perfect communication skills. But the ability to communicate is the one thing that must always be present for a relationship to last. Getting the right skills to effectively communicate cannot happen overnight. There needs to be a lot of work done and a lot of time needs to be invested. So to help you get started, here are the top three communication strategies in a relationship that you must learn to master.

Better your Listening Skills.
In a relationship, listening should be a passive skill. What does this mean? It means you should not select what you want to hear by interjecting or cutting your partner in the middle of a sentence. Rather, you must listen to everything that is said and even to the unsaid parts. You will can tie together what your partner wants to establish by hearing the words and understanding the non-verbal cues. It is also important that you show your partner that he/she has your full attention by making eye contact and offering encouraging gestures.

Acknowledgement is a Part of and You Should Keep That in Mind.
You can acknowledge verbally or non-verbally. You can nod or shake your head, say "uh-uh" , yes or some other fillers that would serve this purpose. The goal of acknowledgement is to let your partner know that you are listening and that you are on the same page with him/her. If you master this skill, then you have mastered one of the communication strategies in a relationship.
In fact, most fights in a relationship would have been avoided if only you acknowledged the other person in a timely and effective manner. One key method to end a misunderstanding is to acknowledge the other person by repeating what was said. After which, you add your own sentiments and how you feel. This way, your partner knows that you were listening and at the same time, he/she would feel that you really care.
Asking questions or clarifications is also another form of acknowledgment. Sometimes, if something is difficult to digest, you paraphrase. In most cases, saying the words of your partner will bring you to a "light bulb moment" or a moment of enlightenment. But when you're paraphrasing, try not to sound sarcastic because that will only call for a closing of doors - possibly forever.

Feelings vs. Problems: Where Do You Draw the Line?
If you argue with your emotions and take the fight to a more personal level, you'll only end up hurting each other even more. The most logical thing to do in a lover's quarrel is to stick to the issue. Yes, your partner may not do this but you have to. Be the stronger one in your relationship and steer the conversation back to the main issue whenever it begins to go astray.

When communicating with a partner, it is best to express your feelings first. For instance, you can say “I feel sad…” and then add in your reason. By doing this, you are showing your partner that you share the same feelings. Complications may arise if one person in the relationship feels really strong emotions but the other person does not.
Communication is very important in a relationship; and the number of breakups and divorces because of communication should serve as enough proof of this. The problem is, no one is an effective communicator by themselves. There needs to be some work done and that is where these communication strategies in a relationship would come in. Click to read more inspirational relationship articles...

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